We put PEOPLE at the center of everything
Convergent’s purpose is to help build more human organizational environments, whether remote, face-to-face or hybrid.
Here, connections between leaders, employees, partners and customers are based on trust.

Mônique Assis
Founder/ Creative Director
Our programs promote mindset change and help build a culture of continuous learning to ensure people’s development and, consequently, the sustainability of your business.
Get to know our transformation programs, or better, our solutions to inspire the culture of empathy:
Connecting People

Promote team integration to foster creativity and innovation.
Productive Conversations ™ this is a collaborative card game with the purpose of connecting people through conversation. It will help people to:
- Have different experiences and thoughts
- Develop empathy and respect cognitive diversity
- Establish trust between people
- Think for themselves and say what they think
- Connect ideals and transform them into new knowledge
To not talk about, but practice empathy
Strengthening the Leadership

Strengthening the connection between the leadership and the team.
“40% of leaders express low self-confidence in their ability to lead remotely“
Source: Harvard Business Review
The challenges of leading a team from a distance are great, as the leader still must:
- Adapt tasks and processes
- Don’t let relationships get cold
- Keep the culture of the organization alive in the employees
- Employ new tools of communication
- And, above all, put yourself in people’s shoes, practice empathy
The New Leadership, Transforming Attitudes Program emerges to revolutionize everything that leaders already know about team management
Investing in Knowledge

Turn employees into learning facilitators.
If your company needs:
- Agility
- Innovation
- Time optimization
- Cost reduction
The first step is to believe that the existing knowledge in all employees is able to promote impact transformations!
With that in mind, the Internal Multiplier Training Program created by convergent helps you with the rest.
Practicing the Focus of the Customer

Provide the best and most empathetic customer experience.
“96.7% of consumers consider customer service satisfactory when they are heard by an attendant“
Source: Market and Consumption
Does your company really care about providing quality service?
The Empathy Program, The Essence of Good Service sees empathy as the essence of good service. It is the compass that indicates the best way forward.
Unlocking the Creativity

Offer a new learning experience, in an attractive, interactive and relaxed way.
REINVENT is a workshop for the team to rethink their attitudes, analyze the current moment of the business, reflect on the challenges and collaboratively and creatively think about the best solutions.
Thinking and rethinking with your hands, building the 3D solutions with the LEGO Tiles, applying the LEGO ™ SERIOUS PLAY ™ methodology to:
- Break with conventional thinking
- Unlock new knowledge
- Create engagement
Other Solutions
The Disney case, the creative magic that generates results: a classic example of the Creative Economy.
Lego ™ Serious Play ™ Workshop
Team Building: strengthening interpersonal relationships.
For a new economy, a new way to sell.
Integration Program for New Employees.
Have you identified with our footprint but not found what your team needs? Contact us to co-create and customize training for your business!
The learning experience offered by the convergent involves:
Passionate facilitators for what they do
Active Methodologies
Development of social and emotional skills
Activation of the 5 senses
Relevant Themes
Our innovative methodology contributes to the construction of playful and relaxed environments that stimulate learning.
Results of our corporate education programs:
* Numbers referring to our company in Brazil. Using the same methodology.